Look Up! Leap Forward! Lift Others!
Look Up! Leap Forward! Lift Others!

Life Groups, House Churches and Life Transformation Groups

A large percentage of believers have lost faith in the institutionalized Church and have chosen to find alternative mainstream Christian connections outside of the four walls of the Church. Unfortunately, few really understand that there are institutional as well as non-institutional Churches (big and small) who are on the cutting edge of transformation and are truly impacting our world.


There is a movement of Churches (of various denominations) who once were traditional, but are now becoming mission minded (in the truest sense) on a local as well as global level. Missional and “Glocal” Churches are on the “uprise” across the country. Researchers are saying that the days of focusing only on "building bigger barns" are no longer the norm. Instead of focusing on programs and projects inside their buildings, more and more churches are now focusing on people outside their building. Also, more and more Christians are beginning to hunger for the values of smaller incarnational communities.

Life Transformation Groups



Facing the elements of life alone can be devastating. No man or woman is an island. We need each other.  CWAM LTG MOVEMENT consist of Church With A Mission Churches, mentors, community volunteers, financial supporters, their friends, family members and anyone within their spheres of influence who want to do and grow more for Jesus. 


Your goals are not only to encourage one another but to become accountability partners as well. You will have a desire to intentionally and genuinely invest in making new friends with your unsaved associates and everyday acquaintances. Your team will learn to be missional minded by looking for the lost as well as the broken or frustrated believer who feels spiritually limited in life or in their service to God and helping them to actively engage in their God-given spiritual giftingChristian Psychotherapist, Larry Crabb in his book, ‘Connecting’ says, “Ordinary people have the power to change other peoples lives”.



 In the book of 2nd Timothy 2:2, Paul exhorts Timothy to take the things that he had shared with him and pass it on to "faithful men" who would do the same with those of whom they encounter. We call this "DiscipleVangelism" and Life Transformation Groups. Jesus said in the Gospel of John 18:20, "Where two or three gather together in my name, there I am in the midst." Our goal is to create a "Communitas".


Something synergistic happens when 2 or 3 come together in His name. We embrace unity and brotherhood. We become our brothers keeper like God intended back in the garden of eden with Cain and Abel. Jesus himself, prayed a prayer in John 17:21, "Father I pray that they all might be one...even as you and I are one so that the world might know that thou hast sent me." 


All of us expect for Jesus to answer our prayers but here is an opportunity where we can answer His prayer. Before we can reach out to others outside of the body, we must create unity among ourselves though we may differ somewhat doctrinally. If we all accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we can nuture our bond of peace which Jesus accomplished at His death and ressurection thereby destroying the middle wall and the enmity which can divide us. 



CWAM Life Transformation Group Brochure

Fundamental Values of Life On Life Discipleship

CWAM LTG MOVEMENT Life Transformation Br[...]
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Contact Us

Churches With A Mission International Ministries

P.O. Box 14389

Houston, TX 77221


Phone: 713 819-2258


Or use our contact form.

Our Vision Statement in a Nutshell

"Our vision is to strategically reposition ourselves in order to allow the Holy Spirit to create 'Communitas' within the body of Christ through the renewal of the mind as each of us in turn reflect His transforming glory to one another through the reticulation of one-on-one discipleship. As a result, our Spirit-led goal, as transformational agents is to organically replicate His presence within urban, suburban and remote pockets of communities beginning within and without the  city of Houston,Texas...however the Spirit leads"  (Rom 12:2, Luke 4:18,  2Cor.3:17-18)


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