Churches With A Mission International
Missional Network Prayer Disciples Covenant
I, (and/or my Church if applicable) and Churches With A Mission International Missional Network do solemnly and joyfully enter into a Missional Network and Prayer Disciples Covenant with God and each other under the guidance of the Holy Spirit on this day (enter date below). We commit to discipling the inquirers that the Network sends to us. The duration of this co-laborer relationship shall be for the period that the Lord leads or when at least one of us decides conclusion. CWAM and I mutually agree that the purpose of this Network Prayer Disciples Covenant is not to bind anyone to anything other than to authentically care and love one another by words and actions as well as disciple the people sent to us (or me if individual). I understand that CWAM intends to encourage and support a “Spirit Led Servanthood” relationship with all network participants. We both agree that our objective for this covenant is to spell out a clear understanding of how we are to effectively share in our relationships and interpersonal responsibilities together. The Scriptural theme of our relationship shall be based upon Jesus’ words of prayer in the Gospel of John, chapter seventeen, verse twenty-one (Jn 17:21). Let it be further noted that we pray that this covenant agreement will help substantiate positive Christian values and Christ-like conditions among us; thereby, hindering any possible misunderstanding or confusion. I understand that my first commitment outside of God is to my own family and then to my own church (wherever that might be).
Churches With A Mission International Ministries
P.O. Box 14389
Houston, TX 77221
Phone: 713 819-2258
Or use our contact form.
"Our vision is to strategically reposition ourselves in order to allow the Holy Spirit to create 'Communitas' within the body of Christ through the renewal of the mind as each of us in turn reflect His transforming glory to one another through the reticulation of one-on-one discipleship. As a result, our Spirit-led goal, as transformational agents is to organically replicate His presence within urban, suburban and remote pockets of communities beginning within and without the city of Houston,Texas...however the Spirit leads" (Rom 12:2, Luke 4:18, 2Cor.3:17-18)
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